4 Stages of Website Design

In designing the website, there are several stages that must look for our website will be able to make money or a lot of visitors who come to our website. website not just the view nice or good content, both are highly influenced the development of our website. That needs to consider in making a website such as:

1 - Style over substance

The first stage is to design a site that the chief executive officer, venture capitalists, and ad agencies like to see. There are all types of "bells and whistles" in this design. An entire site might be a Flash animated site. Or there might be some beautiful JavaScript mouse over effects or drop-down menus in the design. It's always a pretty design, but the message is clear - style over substance.

Mengunci Folder Tanpa Aplikasi

             Cara yang satu ini mungki bagi para senior sudah paham banget dengan Tips ini.  Bagaimana mengunci folder tanpa aplikasi dan bahkan banyak sekali blog atau e-book yang emnjelaskan tentang cara ini. Akan tetapi sangat bermanfaat bagi saya yang newbie dan  para sahabat-sahabat yang lain, yang  baru belajar tentang komputer. 
            Tips ini saya dapatkan dari para senior-senior saya, berawal dari rasa ingin tahu dan ingin memperdalam ilmu komputer, maka saya mencoba tips n trik ini yaitu Mengunci folder dengan file desktop.ini. Ilmu Ini diberikan para senior-senior saya, baik yang di dunia maya maupun yang di dunia nyata.

Pengertian CD

         Pengertian CD atau Compact Disc adalah piringan yang berwana perak ini  di buat dari lapisan plastik, yang di sinari oleh sinar laser. Nah, sinar laser ini membuat lubag-lubang yang sangat kecil yang tidak bisa di lihat secara kasat mata. Lubang-lubang tersebut akan membuat deretan kode yang berisi deretan data-data. Karena membentuk lubang-lubang, maka tidak bisa di tutup lagi. kemudian plastik-plastik itu akan di tutup lagi oleh cairan plastik, yang berguna sebagi pemantul dan pelindung lubang-lubang tadi yang berbentuk data. Proses pembuatannya di lakukan secara bertahap oleh mesin cetak.

About Encryption and Making Your System Secure

What does encryption do for me?

Encryption and cryptographic software has been used in many different ways to make systems more secure.  This article discusses only a few ways that such software can make your system more secure, including:

1) Encrypting your email

2) Encrypting your files

To programs are mentioned that will help encrypt information. There are many more programs out there that will help, but these programs are good and a good place to start as any. They have the added benefit of both being free with source code available.

Will encryption stop people from accessing my information?

Encryption simply makes it harder for people to gain access to important information, like passwords or sensitive information in a file. The first thing you should know about encryption is that the algorithm that is used to encrypt can be simple or more complex and that affects how securely what you have encrypted is protected.  Encryption systems have been broken when the method of encryption is understood by hackers and is easy to break. 

Why bother to encrypt my email?

It should be noted that email is far less secure than paper mail for two very good reasons:  first, electronic data can be accessed easily over an Internet and secondly, electronic data is really simple to copy. There is a very good chance that someone has snooped around in your email despite your best intentions to stop it.

How do I go about encrypting my email?

There are many programs out there that can help you encrypt your email.  A very popular one is PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) or its Gnu offshoot GPG.  

PGP (http://www.pgpi.org/) self-describes itself this way: This "is a program that gives your electronic mail something that it otherwise doesn't have: Privacy. It does this by encrypting your mail so that nobody but the intended person can read it. When encrypted, the message looks like a meaningless jumble of random characters. PGP has proven itself quite capable of resisting even the most sophisticated forms of analysis aimed at reading the encrypted text."

Why bother to encrypt my files?

The answer to this boils down to what you store on your computer.  If you have financial data with important information like social security numbers, email addresses, account numbers and passwords, then you open yourself up to losing very valuable information.  Most corporate Internet security employees will attest to the widespread theft of very valuable information. As long as you are connected to the Internet you are vulnerable.

How do I go about encrypting my files?

AxCrypt File Encryption Software  (http://axcrypt.sourceforge.net/) Self-described as "Free Personal Privacy and Security for Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP with AES-128 File Encryption, Compression and transparent Decrypt and Open in the original application."

2006 Security Watch - What is this year going to have in store for us?

There is a lot going on in the information security space. 2006 looks to be an interesting year in these regards. Below are some things to watch for in 2006, some of them are good and, unfortunately, some aren’t.  

First the good news:

- We are getting a lot more serious about our security. This has a lot of reasons behind it. For example, new privacy laws are mandating organizations to tighten their security.  Look to see more consumer privacy laws passed in the coming year and more tightening of security systems.

- Authentication requirements are increasing. This is closing in large security holes.  Corporations are requiring a great deal more of authentication to get into secure systems (this also is on the bad news side)

- There is a plethora of sophisticated programs to help us be more secure and they will continue to get better. Competition right now is strong in the security industry sparking a lot of innovation.

- ISPs are now taking on the responsibility to help us with our security. Take AOL's recent commercials as a good sign that others will follow the trend.

Now the bad news:

- Securing our networks is costing us.  Most companies are globalizing their organizations and making them secure costs a lot of money.  It will get worse before it gets better.

- Authentication requirements are increasing. This is getting claustrophobic.  Corporations are requiring a great deal more authentication to get into secure systems (This is also on the good news side) Unfortunately, for the end user, it is one more thing to be unhappy about, not unlike airport security lines.

- Hackers are getting more sophisticated.  For example, Botnets are becoming more complex and harder and harder to catch and stop. Do a search on botnets on the Internet. They really are causing a whole lot of problems, but it does not stop there. The number of viruses and malware out there is staggering.

- Spammers keep finding more creative ways to fill our email boxes.  Don't look for this trend to stop anytime soon.

How to Backup Drivers

The only way to keep up with the latest about Backup Driver is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Backup Driver, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

One of the easiest ways to ease our work and the moment we want to re-install our machine is backing up data and drivers that exist on our computer. For data mebackup maybe we just do copy our data we will backup. Well how how to backup the existing drivers on your computer?

Now that we've covered those aspects of Backup Driver, let's turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.

There is one of the easiest ways used for backing up our computer drivers, using Double Driver. Double Driver software is very simple and useful as a tool that not only allows you to see all the drivers on your system, but also allows you to backup, restore, save and print all chosen drivers simply and reliably.

The Power of Positive Thinking

 Suatu ketika seorang pria menelepon Norman Vincent Peale. Ia tampak sedih.Tidak ada lagi yang dimilikinya dalam hidup ini. Norman mengundang pria itu untuk datang ke kantornya.

“Semuanya telah hilang. Tak ada harapan lagi,” kata pria itu.

“Aku sekarang hidup dalam kegelapan yang amat dalam. Aku telah kehilangan hidup ini”.

Norman Vincent Peale, penulis buku “The Power of Positive Thinking”, tersenyum penuh simpati.

“Mari kita pelajari keadaan anda,”katanya Norman dengan lembut.

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